One of the most stressful aspects of local moving is packing. Smart approach to packing is making a good plan for starters. After gathering packing supplies, you will have to make a system to go room-by-room until everything is done. So, firstly make a list of things you should do or find packers and movers that can help you out!
Let’s start with general packing tips!
Before you start packing
Before you even start putting your belongings into packing boxes make sure to come up with an inventory of the items you plan to take. Do this based on each room. Also, make sure to decide what you don’t want to take with you. For the rest of belongings you should organize a garage sale or take them to Goodwille.
Packing supplies
Quality packing supplies will keep your items safe during the transport and move itself. That is why you should make a plan on how many boxes you need. The usual calculation is to multiply the number of people living in your household with 25 and kids with 10-15. Local moving companies are using this calculator.
How to start with packing
Organize your belongings based on common functions. It makes it easier to keep track of your belongings during transport and unpack at your new place if you pack up your belongings by rooms where they are held. Since packing is going to take at least a week or two, you should start with the least used room and finish with items you are using daily. That way you will be able to use them until the last day before your moving day. In order to ease the packing process – pack like items together. Don’t forget to label each box by room or by its contents in order to make sure unpacking is simple and smooth. When labeling, add notes such as ‘fragile’ or ‘this side up’ in order to make it easier for your local movers to handle them and to make sure to keep them safe.
How to pack up belongings
Start packing with a layer of padding. As padding you can use newspaper, packing paper, bubble wrap or plastic wrap. You can even use household goods that you already have, such as blankets and towels. Heaviest items should be placed into the box first. Don’t fill out boxes to the brim, this way you will prevent boxes from becoming super heavy and reduce the chance that they break or are dropped by movers.
Box with essentials
Don’t forget to pack up essentials that you will need on a moving day and the first day in your new home. This box should be there with you in order to make your full moving process simple. You will definitely need something on a moving day and you don’t want to go through all boxes in order to find a charger for your phone.
The kitchen
The kitchen is the most hated room to be packed because there are many fragile items here. First thing you should do is defrost your refrigerator at least 48 hours prior to the moving day. Packing dishes doesn’t have to be that stressful if you plan it ahead. When it comes to packing dishes is not to overpack boxes. This way you will minimize margins for the mistake on behalf of your professional movers. You can always use sectioned boxes for plates. Don’t forget to pack your small appliances into the boxes. Layer the bottom of the boxes with packing peanuts or paper. From there, wrap each plate in a layer of bubble wrap then stand the dishes up in the box. This is the best way to keep them secure. And once tightly packed, don’t forget to write “FRAGILE” on the box.
Everything that is irreplaceable or valuable should be packed up separately. Things such as jewelry or documents should be packed on your own and moved by you. This way you will make sure that these items get to their final destination.
Hopefully this article was helpful. In case you would like to leave packing to the professionals, you can always contact Professional Sacramento Movers as we will be more than happy to help you out with this task. We have the best packers and movers Sacramento CA can offer.